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Dancing with Marshall*

A Most Unusual Retreat


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This retreat brings together two very powerful art forms: (( dance )) and (( communication )).

Both involve specific skills, and the two facilitators bring their respective skill sets together to create this dynamic retreat experience...

Kayla Dauphine shares her proficiency in dance; Jan Blum draws on her insights in using RealTalk.


Kayla Dauphine

Kayla has been Village dancing since 1996. She has studied extensively with folk/circle dance teachers from Europe, South America and the US and has taught dance since 1998.

She has experienced personally the power of Village dance to heal, unite and transform. Together with dance and her practice of RealTalk, she continues to tread a path of personal growth.

She has previously worked in Home Care in both finance and human resources, and is currently Program Director for Neskaya Movement Arts Center in Franconia, NH.


group facilitation




Jan Blum

Previously the owner of a seed company, then a forensic loan auditor, Jan encountered Marshall Rosenberg and Nonviolent Communication on her own personal healing journey. Surprised and transformed by the process, she has continued to develop Marshall's tools by introducing RealTalk and Hearing Each Other Circles.

The heart of her work is about embracing human needs ~ getting in touch with our own motivators, being fully choiceful, expanding our options, supporting ourselves with gentleness and also clarity. Once the inner work is well begun, the same skills are used to connect with others.

Because her understanding of the power of human needs arises from her own personal experience, she brings a crisp clarity and depth to her presentations. It is this experience from which has sprung her body-based arrangement of needs, one that corresponds to the chakras and is dynamically balanced with the three basic neurological balances (as presented in Brain Gyms).


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