Understand why people shut down and stop receiving communication |
Familiarity with tools for keeping communication open |
Understand how to clear the RECEIVING side of the communication channel - yours and others
--Know how to receive without agreeing
--Know how to receive without taking responsibility for the other person's emotions or needs
Understnad how to send difficult messages so others can hear you |
Basic Needs Literacy |
Familiarity with various strategies for dealing with anger |
Understand conflicts -- cause, escalation, de-escalation |
Identify role emotions play |
Familiarity with methods for transforming emotions |
Ability to say NO and have other party satisfied |
Ability to receive NO and achieve satisfaction |
Familiarity with RealTalk technology: 4 step model |
Be able to differentiate:
--observation v evlaution
--needs v strategy
--empathy v other responses
--neutral words v blaming words
--feelings from opinions and states of being